While there is a lot of interesting information and statistics out there on about Social Media, the truth is they can be cumbersome to find, read and pretty much overwhelming to digest. While sifting through the PewResearch Centre Social Media Update for 2013, we were struck by a few really interesting things and thought that you might find them intriguing as well.
First of all, 73% of internet users are now using some kind of social media. Of these 73%, 42% of them are using multiple platforms. Facebook is still the number one used platform with a whopping 71% of users reporting they use it. Coming in second for usage is LinkedIn with 22% of the share and then Pinterest follows with 21%. Twitter trails in with 18% and Instagram with 17%.
Facebook is popular among a pretty diverse mix of demographic groups (men, women, white, black, hispanic, old and young, urban and suburban, rich and poor) and almost any kind of business can successfully launch a Facebook campaign and successfully garner attention with Facebook. When we look at a few other platforms it gets interesting. For instance, Pinterest is holding the attention of women four times as much as men, that is right – four times! If you have a product geared towards women, you should take note of this and be using Pinterest in your social marketing. Another useful morsel of information is that LinkedIn is especially popular among college graduates and internet users in higher income households. Instagram and Twitter are more appealing to younger adults, urban dwellers and non-whites.
People are doing it more than once a day 🙂 and in different places! Sexy, right?
People are now using these sites or platforms multiple times per day. As a business, you should find this particularly exciting. Imagine being able to engage with your clients or consumers each day, and some not just once, but at breakfast, lunch and dinner, and perhaps even as they put down their phones for the night! For instance, 63% of Facebook users report they use the site daily, while 40% of them state that they engage with it multiple times per day. Instagram users are also higher end users, with 57% of users stating they use the app on a daily basis and 35% doing so several times per day.
Facebook has the most users and so, there is a lot of overlap with people who use Facebook also use Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn. Looking at other sites a significant level of overlap exists between Instagram and Twitter users – 53% of Twitter users also use Instagram, and 53% of Instagram users also use Twitter. PewResearch Center states that among non-Facebook sites, this is the highest rate of “reciprocity” between user groups they have measured.
What is your Social Media Plan?
What will be your next steps with engaging your audience through social media? If you have an idea and want to talk about how to launch it into the social media sphere, we can help you.